long lost co-workers

We all have former co-workers that we haven’t kept in touch with.

Today I got an email from one.

Here’s a little back story…

In July of 2016, she emailed a group of about 15 people letting us know she had breast cancer.  Stage 2. Which is scary of course, but now-a-days I don’t consider that a death sentence. She was getting treatment, all seemed fine.

We agreed to have lunch when she “felt better” she’d let me know.

Almost a year went by…I emailed her asking in February how she was. I got a reply in May saying she was “cancer free” . 

Today’s email, stage 4 in the liver, bones, all over. Stage 4. “No cure, but treatment can extend the time I have left.”

She’s not on social media. I don’t even have her phone number or address.  I don’t even know her kids names or if she’s still married, or if she has one child or more than one?

awareness cancer design pink
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels.com


But she must be lonely, to email this prayer request to 15 people, that, if they have the same relationship with her as I do, then they’re not very close.

I replied succinctly:

“I am so very sorry to hear this. Thank you for sharing with me. I of course will pray for you. What else do you need? How else can I help?

But I secretly wonder if I will ever hear from her again?

If nothing else, it reminded me to slow down, be with my friends and family this Christmas Weekend, and don’t sweat the small stuff!   I hope you do the same!

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